Sunday, May 2, 2010

A Thought

In the past I have used this blog to post pictures (and not very often). Well, today I was talking to our executive minister at church and he said, "you should blog.  It doesn't matter if it about your kids or a thought, just try it...) Well, here I am.  I had a thought.  I was at Cracker Barrel the other day with my parents and my kids, and in the midst of the chaos, a thought came across my mind as I was picking up all the items Joseph was dropping on the floor.  What happens to the crayons at restaurants after our kids use them and break them?  I think they are thrown away... I think that we should save them.  I am not sure on how to make it happen but I am open for suggestions.  My thought right now is to create a letter and deliver it to local restaurants and ask them to collect all the crayons after kids use them... Maybe we should give them a basket to collect them in.  After we could collect them once a week and then send them domestically or internationally to kids who need them.  This is all just off the top of my head...  Does anyone want to build on that thought or join me in it?  I am not even sure where to start...


Us said...

Go for it!!!! I would try to personally contact the managers/owners of a few restaurants.

Keep up the blogs!!!

Chris Hahn said...

Great idea. It all starts with the question. I'd say go in and ask. Could be a cool story! Way to go girl.

majorfam said...

Look at you! Writing your thoughts out for everyone to read! SO bold. I miss you. And I love the idea.

Amber said...

I agree...Great idea!! You should ask, for sure, and see what a few managers say.